Parish General News & Events

Parish General News & Events

Adoration Chapel Needs You

Posted by Sara Thompson on 12/06/18

The Lord said:”Could you not spend an hour with me?”


The following hours have an immediate need for a partner for adoration: Thursday 1-2am, Wednesday 11pm-Midnight

Other times in need are Friday 6-7pm and Saturday 8-9pm. Deep night hours still in need of a partner are: Monday, Tuesday, ... Read More »

Ireland Pilgrimage

Posted by Sara Thompson on 11/14/18

There are a few spaces available for the upcoming Ireland Pilgrimage sponsored by HNJ Parish in June of 2019.

Fr. Scott will be serving as the trip’s spiritual director and George Kobosko, HNJ Choir Director, will be providing music for the daily Masses in the beautiful Irish cathedrals.   ... Read More »

A Message for all EMHCs

Posted by Sara Thompson on 11/14/18

The Diocese of Orlando requires ongoing formation (training) of the EMHC Ministry during the 5 year mandated period for each EMHC.  For our Parish to remain compliant with this directive, EMHC training will be conducted on Sat, Jan 26, from 8:30 am- 12 Noon.  

This training will be ... Read More »

Advent Retreat: Prayer Moves Mountains

Posted by Sara Thompson on 11/14/18

You are invited to a morning retreat focused on prayer, sponsored by the HNJ Council of Catholic Women on Sat, Dec 8,  from 8:30 am-12:00 pm (8:30 am Mass then a light breakfast and speakers in Rm. 101).

We are blessed to have 4 presenters: Fr. Scott Circe will ... Read More »

Opening Your Heart: Walking with Purpose

Posted by Sara Thompson on 11/14/18

Do you desire to grow in your Catholic faith?  Do you seek connection with other women in our parish community? Please join the Council of Catholic Womens' group on Thursdays, from 6:30-8:00 pm in Rm. 101. 

Opening Your Heart, our foundational study, is designed for women new to Walking with ... Read More »

Last Session: Going Deeper into the Mysteries of the Eucharist

Posted by Sara Thompson on 10/16/18

Celebrating the Diocesan Year of the Eucharist, our six-part series explores a variety of aspects of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.  

Oct 24 Session Overview:  

The last part of our series, facilitated by Jim Curry,  focuses on the development of the theology of the Eucharist over ... Read More »

Please join us for All Souls’ Day Mass

Posted by Sara Thompson on 10/16/18

This special Mass will be celebrated on Fri, Nov 2, at  6:00 pm for those parishioners who have died from November 1, 2017 – October 31, 2018. The entire parish community, but especially all those who have lost a loved one since last All Souls’ Day are invited to ... Read More »

Kairos Prison Ministry: Kairos Cookies

Posted by Sara Thompson on 10/16/18

The most hardened criminal can be softened up with a cookie. Cookies in Kairos are just another form of Christian Agape, love offered with no expectation of being repaid. We are collecting cookies for the Kairos prison weekend which will be held November 15 - 18.  A collection box ... Read More »

Special Mass: Home Bound & Assisted Living Facility Residents

Posted by Sara Thompson on 10/16/18

For all HNJ Home Bound parishioners and their caregivers, HNJ Ministers to the Sick (MTS), and all Catholic residents in Assisted Living Facilities.

You are invited to a special HNJ Mass and lunch for home bound & assisted living  facilities residents on Mon, Nov 12, starting at 9:00 am ... Read More »

Educate Yourself:  Join Us for Sexual Revolution Movie

Posted by Sara Thompson on 10/16/18

Sexual Revolution seeks to explain the fallout of the free-love mindset of the hippie generation and the prophetic nature of Humanae Vitae.  Join us in our Life Center Hall on Sun, Oct 28,  2:00 pm or Tues, Oct 30, at 7:00 pm to experience this eye opening film so ... Read More »


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