Education Endowment

HNJ's Philosophy of Education—To help students of all ages grow in their awareness of accept and appreciate their neighbors, and to gain knowledge/understanding. Our greatest challenge and responsibility as Christians is to assure that all who seek to learn our Faith, Scripture and Liturgy are taught with sensitivity for Christian values and morality, while preserving the individual identity and creativity of each student. Our responsibility extends beyond the elementary level. We must provide youth and adult enrichment programs to meet the needs of all. We strive to instill in our students, Catholic attitudes and values, in an atmosphere of love and encouragement. The HNJ Education Endowment Fund is but another step in this much needed direction.

HNJ Education Endowment Development Committee Mission Statement—We, the HNJ Education Endowment Development Committee, have the mission of raising endowment funds for Catholic Education at HNJ (Religious Education, HNJ School, and Parish Library). This function is achieved through providing information, building awareness, soliciting donations and coordinating with other parish fund raising activities. The Education Endowment Trustees have the mission, due to their membership or educational committees, to be responsible for directing and controlling the use of the Endowment Fund. This is achieved with the help of a sub-committee of financial advisors.

Education Endowment Fund—In 1991, HNJ's Education Endowment Fund was created to support quality, religious education at HNJ School. The concept of Education Endowment is very simple; a pool of money is accumulated in a fund where the principal amount remains intact and only the interest may be spent. For example, a million-dollar endowment at 10% would earn $100,000 for that year's current operations. Revenue from interest would be designated to offset tuition increases, or other important projects. In this way endowment funds add to the institutions financial stability in good years and bad, helping to assure an institution's viability. The money produced from HNJ's Education Endowment Fund by way of investments is used to enrich our parish catholic education by way of:

  • Religious Instruction—providing weekly instruction to 700 public school children
  • Adult Religious Education—providing enrichment to 500 adult parishioners
  • The HNJ Parish School—founded in 1964 has provided catholic values to hundreds of 3 & 4 year olds through 8th grade, every year for the past 43 years

Four separate endowed scholarships have been established for:

  • Our founding Pastor Msgr. Martin B. Power
  • Our Pastor Emeritus, Monsignor David P. Page
  • Karen O'Shaughnessy-Begin
  • John & Mary O'Connor

These funds are on-going, and donations can be made throughout the year, in the same manner as the Educational Endowment Fund.

How Can You Give to the Endowment Fund?—The Education Endowment fund is a powerful way to contribute to the handing down of our Catholic Heritage to future generations and can be done various ways:

  • Cash, check or credit card
  • Your Will—Our legal title is: Most Reverent John Noonan, as Bishop of the Diocese of Orlando, his successors in Office and assigns, a corporation sole. For use by Holy Name of Jesus, Indialantic 32903
  • Charitable Gift Annuity—provides immediate tax savings and a fixed income stream for life and minimizes or defers capital gains tax on gifts of appreciated securities.
  • Education Endowment Mass Cards for Bereaved and the Living—Give tribute to a loved one by having them remembered at a Mass by purchasing a leather bound Mass Card for $25. These can be purchased at the Parish Office.
  • In lieu of funeral flowers etc., have donation made to HNJ Education Fund
  • Stocks, bonds, mutual funds
  • Living Trusts
  • Real Estate
  • Life Insurance

 For further information, contact Debbie Caulfield, 321-773-2783, x122 email.