Council of Catholic Women


The Holy Name of Jesus Council of Catholic Women is a parish community of women that engages their faith into action.  We welcome you to join us to bond with other Catholic women and enrich your spiritual life through prayer and service.  Meeting new sisters-in-Christ is such as joy and experiencing His presence, love and blessings as we walk together in faith, hope and love.

CCW Mission

To support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service.  Our programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.


  • Spirituality: Serves as a conduit for helping women focus on the spiritual aspects of their faith through worship and prayer.
  • Leadership: Facilitates activities to increase membership, organizes fundraising events, and encourages member participation.
  • Legislative Advocate: Provides information from the Catholic Bishops to help Catholic women to fulfill their moral obligation to speak out in public arena for those who have no voice.

Holy Name of Jesus Council of Catholic Women is affiliated with:

Southern Deanery - Affiliated Catholic Churches in Brevard:
ODCCW - Orlando Diocesan Council of Catholic Women:
FCCW - Florida Council of Catholic Women:
NCCW -National Council of Catholic Women:
WUCWO -World Union of Catholic Women’s Organization:

Board of Directors

  • President-Glenda Shirhall, 321-794-5225                               
  • Vice-President-Fran Buchness, 321-536-9928,
  • Brenda Hanley, Treasurer
  • Jackie Woods, Recording Secretary
  • Candace Farley, Corresponding Secretary
  • Teresa Reeves, Parliamentarian
  • Carol Harrison, Immediate Past President