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Update to our HNJ Worship Space

Greetings to you and yours in our Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately with the rise in COVID-19 cases in our area, and in preparation for visitors during the Christmas Season, we have prayerfully discerned a change in our worship space. 

On the 1st Sunday of Advent we will be placing dividers between each pew to ensure that proper social distancing can be observed. Face-coverings will still be mandatory for our Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses because of the larger attendance. Presently, face-coverings will remain merely highly recommended at our daily Masses where there is less attendance. Understand we are all at different comfort levels, so please be respectful of one another. And remember, Bishop Noonan’s dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is still being observed. If you find Sunday Mass too crowded, please try attending a daily Mass or participate in our ongoing livestream/recorded Masses that take place on every Sunday (8:45 am) & Wednesday (8:30 am).

As always, thank you for your cooperation and please be assured of our continued prayers for the health and safety of all our parishioners. 

Sincerely in Christ, 

Fr. Scott Circe, Pastor



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