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Worship Update

Dear Holy Name of Jesus Parishioners, 

I hope this note finds you and yours doing well as we journey through the Easter Season.

Because the Covid-19 vaccines are so readily available, and the continuing trend of lower cases throughout the Central Florida area, Bishop Noonan has recently offered some new guidelines to parishes throughout the Diocese. HNJ had already incorporated a few of the guidelines but will also be enacting the following changes to our worship:

  1. We will be removing the remaining dividers throughout our Church beginning on Ascension Sunday (May 16). Face coverings will still be mandatory for our Sunday Masses, including the Saturday Vigil, for the time being. Thank you for your cooperation.
  2. For Pentecost Sunday (May 23), we will be restoring the proper Offertory during the Mass, with the physical collection and the presentation of the gifts taking place once again.  
  3. We will only be recording/livestreaming the Sunday 8:45 am Mass starting in June. The last recording/livestreaming of our Wednesday 8:30 am Masses will take place on May 26th. The Sunday 8:45 am Mass will continue to be recorded/livestreamed until the 1st Sunday of Advent (November 28).
  4. Wednesday Adoration and Rosary after the 8:30am Mass was incorporated into our parish because the Perpetual Adoration Chapel was closed due to the pandemic. We have continued this devotion for quite some time even with the Adoration Chapel now open since November 2. The last Adoration and Rosary will also conclude on Wednesday, May 26. 

These are all the changes for now, but we hope to incorporate new guidelines and open new opportunities as soon as we are able.

Thank you for your prayerful support and may God bless us all! 

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. Scott Circe 


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